• V.V Kyrychenko
Keywords: social virtualization, information society, social networks, information activities


The construction of the picture of the world of personality is reflected in the informational social environment, which in the twenty-first century, almost completely moved to virtual space. The vital activity of the individual is due to the global context, which fills the mental dimension of his life with additional stressors. The article analyzes studies that reveal the problem of socialization of the individual in a virtual social environment. The picture of the world of the individual in the virtual information environment is the result of the exchange of information between many subjects. Social networks have facilitated the process of social communication by creating a single socio-cultural space for interaction. The purpose of the article is to empirically study the peculiarities of constructing a picture of the world of personality through relationships with other members of interaction in a virtual social environment. Social virtualization is a process of personalizing personal in a digital social environment for the purpose of social activity. Each member of the information society is to some extent included in the digital information network, and therefore has its own digital counterpart, which can be an exact copy of a person or represent an image that only in general corresponds to the physical person.
According to the results of our study, we conclude that the bulk of informational content we consume in the digital social network Facebook. Modern youth actively uses the information resources of the network in terms of gaining knowledge, which design the world model. In social networks, the information ribbon, which is a resource for constructing a picture of the world, is formed on the basis of both their own preferences of the user and those persons who are in the status of companion companions (friends).


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