• H.M. Zakalyk
  • O.V. Voitsekhovska
  • N.M. Shuvar
Keywords: bullying, school bullying, forms of bullying, reasons of bullying, aggression forms, level aggression, physical aggression, verbal aggression


School restructuring is a very sensitive issue in the modern Ukrainian society. A school has to ensure that its graduates are well-rounded individuals who have integrity, are capable of becoming innovators and making decisions in accordance with the necessities of the time, and at the same time are patriots whose actions are based on moral and ethical norms.
However, even today we still have to face the problem of bullying at schools, which is a certain group of children picking on other children, and which is a serious violation of every child’s right to respect, personal dignity and inviolability.
Teenagers are the ones suffering from the uncertainty of social, economical and moral climate of the country more than any other age group. They have lost their system of values and ideals (old ones have been destroyed, new ones haven't been created yet).
As a result of these processes we have aggression in schools. Aggressive teenagers differ in personal char- acteristics and behaviour patterns but have certain common features such as poor and primitive value-based orientations, lack of hobbies, narrow and unstable interests. Some of them demonstrate low level of intellectual development, high susceptibility to suggestion, propensity for copying others as well as emotional rudeness and anger they, first of all, direct towards their peers.
Researching the definition of teenage aggression as a socio-psychological phenomenon indicates that it is viewed as aggressive actions of an individual that is being shaped mainly in the process of early socialization in childhood and teenage years.
The study shows that teenage aggression takes on mostly verbal form (negative emotions directed at peers and elders – threats, yells, arguments and swear words), but can sometimes take on the form of physical aggression, aggravation and holding grudges.
To aggression inclined part of children of bully and their surroundings. At the same time there were children-victims.


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