• V.V. Balakhtar
Keywords: motivation, motives of professional activity, type of motivation of professional formation of specialists Social Work, professional formation


The psychological peculiarities of the motivation of Social Work specialists’ professional formation at different stages of professional formation were established, the most important motives for Social Work specialists were revealed (prestigious motives, social, personal and professional growth) and the least developed ones – pragmatic and actually professional motives.
According to the results of the cluster analysis of the motives of professional activity, four clusters have been identified, according to which four types of specialists are identified: “the type oriented to the professional self-realization”, “the social-directed type”, “pragmatist” and “the internally motivated type”. It is shown that the most approximated to the harmonic type is the internal-motivated one, in which the highest indicators are found at the stage of the self-realization, and these are preceded by the features of motivation at the stage of the self-design, self-affirmation and self-improvement of professional knowledge and skills which will promote the self-realization of a specialist as a professional.
By the criterion χ2 , statistically significant differences in types of specialists were found based on the motivation of professional activity depending on sex, in particular the most characteristic “type, was focused on the professional self-realization” for female and the least inherent “the internally motivated type”. The same distribution by types of motivation approximately was noticed in male type. (p < 0,01).
The statistically significant differences according to χ2 criterion in types of specialists were revealed based on the motivation of professional activity depending on the place of the residence of the specialists: employ- ees of the city are characterized as “a type oriented to the professional self-realization”, and employees of the village – “pragmatist” (p <0,01). The most characteristic types are the “pragmatist” and “the type oriented to the professional self-realization”, depending on the type of the occupation among the future specialists, and the working specialists were characterized by “the type, focused on the professional self-realization” and “the socially directed type” (p < 0,01). Analysis of indicators of motivation experts, depending on the work experi- ence, testifies that for those who do not have the experience and those who have a one year work experience, the proper type is “pragmatist”; specialists with a work experience of 1 to 5 years – “the internally motivated type”; from 5 to 10 years – “the type oriented to prof all-time self-realization”, more than 10 years – “the so- cially directed type”.


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