• L.H. Borysenko
Keywords: scale adaptation, collectivism, culture, cultural syndrome, individualism, factor analysis


The present study deals with the first Ukrainian adaptation of a cross-cultural instrument, namely the scale developed by Singelis, Triandis, Bhawuk, and Gelfand (1995) for the measurement of individualism-collec­tivism. The scale was translated into Ukrainian with the back-translation method and then used in a survey. Participants (N=504, 18–69 y.о.) were from all regions of Ukraine. Results from confirmatory factor anal­ysis indicated that the scale is valid, and the best fitting model is a four-factor one, which corresponds to a four-dimensional structure of individualism – collectivism. Computation of Cronbach’s alpha showed these dimensions to be acceptably reliable. Possible further improvement of the scale, and the prospects of its use for cross-cultural research in Ukraine are discussed.


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