• N.I. Shylova
Keywords: self-determination, professional self-determination, identity, motive, thinking, emotions, leadership, youthful age


The article analyzes different approaches to the study of the problem of professional self-determination of the individual. The role and peculiarities of the development of this phenomenon in the youthful age are considered. The essence of the notion of self-determination is determined by generalizing western, soviet and domestic models. The basic structural components of professional self-determination of the personality such as motivational, emotional, communicative, cognitive are revealed. A confirmatory experiment on diagnostics of professional self-determination of freshmen students has been conducted. The level of development of the criteria of the student’s problem is determined.
Traditionally, self-determination is seen as the central moment of becoming a personality maturity. In the analysis of psychological literature on this problem, three main areas were identified. The first direction defines professional self-determination through analysis of the problem of self-determination of the individual as a complex dynamic process during which a person identifies the main areas in which he wants to build his career on the basis of correlation of social requirements with his own potential and available abilities, a complex of internal conditions and desires. The second direction considers professional self-determination in the context of studying the age-old patterns of personality formation. The third one is related to the development of the theory of a person as a subject of professional activity. Representatives of this approach note that the decision is not a one-time act, but regular and regular alternating and constantly changing elections.
In the course of the study, the structural components of professional self-determination of freshmen stu- dents were developed – motivational, emotional, communicative, cognitive. The results of the empirical re- search made it possible to establish the level of professional self-determination with the following criteria: professional identity, professional readiness, educational motives, emotional-volvic sphere, cognitive and communicative. Consider the psychological characteristics of each level separately.


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