The article contains the main features of the subject fundamentals and its accounting in a laboratory study ofsocial interaction. In it we are trying to prove the thesis of the dominance/adominance as a personality trait and the importance of the construct “actual problem” as an indication of the strategic orientation of the individual in an interactive relationship. The original theoretical position, which are based on the requirements for establishing laboratory groups, is the statement that any interaction not only begins with modeling the other as a worker, but also defining the degree of similarity of others to oneself in order to establish “balance of power” existing in the dyad “subject – subject”. It has been concluded about the significance of the similarities investigated subjects in the laboratory group on competence (legal, social, professional, “task” culture figures) and psychological features (level of development of the installation at the cooperation, the ratio dominance/ adominance, the similarity of actual problems). This means that the investigated subjects with a similar emphasis in their actual problems have common features and, therefore, can sooner agree, if necessary to complete a joint task.
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