• S.V. Melnikova
  • T.A. Katkova
  • H.B. Varina
Keywords: aggression, conflict, interpersonal relations, adolescents


The problem of aggression is one of the most significant problems not only for modern psychology and pedagogy, but also for society as a whole. The urgency of the study is that it is precisely in adolescence that not only is a radical reorganization of previously formed psychological structures, but new educations arise, the foundations of conscious behavior are laid, the general orientation in the formation of moral norms and social guidelines emerges. The present of our society is characterized by a serious deficit of positive influence on teenagers. There is a “deformation” of the family, which does not perform such important functions as creating a sense of psychological comfort and security in children. As a result, for many teens characterized by underdevelopment of moral institutions, consumer orientation, emotional roughness, aggressive way of self-affirmation. The presence of an extremely high concentration of aggression in society and the lack of unambiguous and adequate scientific definition of this complex phenomenon, make the problem of aggression research in adolescence, which is the basis for the emergence of conflicts in the family, one of the most pressing problems of the modern world, an important theoretical and practical task.

The purpose of the study is to study the influence of aggressive behavior in adolescence on the emergence of conflict situations in the family. To accomplish this goal, the following tasks were identified: to conduct a theoretical analysis of one of the most important periods of human development in adolescence; determine the level of influence of the family environment on the formation of teenage aggression; to establish the role and features of aggressive behavior of adolescents; to conduct an experimental study of the peculiarities of the influence of aggressive manifestations of adolescent children on relationships with parents in a positive direc- tion; to offer methods of prevention and correction of aggressive behavior of adolescents.
The theoretically proved the necessity of studying the peculiarities of the influence of aggressive manifesta- tions of adolescent children on relationships with parents in a positive direction. The developed correction pro- gram is designed to help teenagers in the formation of constructive patterns of behavior in the process of over- coming aggressive manifestations in relationships with parents. During the research, theoretical (processing of scientific and periodicals on the subject of research, comparison); empirical research methods; quantitative and qualitative data processing methods. After conducting an experimental study, we came to the conclusion that the level of student aggression is overestimated and that conflict situations can arise in communicating with adults and peers. The article outlines the ways of further studying the research problem.


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