Theoretical and methodological grounding of coping-resources of separation anxiety of personality are presented in the article and central positions of its proportional variability in emotionally tense situations are generalized. The factors of neuro-psychic tensions, the specifics of emotional states of anxiety and levels of anxiety experience have been examined. Psychological content of separation anxiety has been underlined and purpose of coping in providing and maintaining the emotional balance of human has been outlined. It is indi- cated that psychological situation of separation limits human in time and induces to selective activity, taking into account its psychological capacities. Variants of psychological overcoming of separation anxiety experi- ence have been reviewed. Variations positions of proportional variability in experiencing separation anxiety situations (position of cognitive decision and position of emotional decision) are concretized and their major differences in the content of cognitive (situation assessment, situation intervention and ignoring the situation) and emotional (self-deception, self-blame, convenient interpretation, self-compassion, self-esteem lowering, emotional expression) strategies of psychological overcoming are revealed. The necessity of social resource consideration is indicated where knowledge system, competence and human life experience are localized.
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