• O. Halian
Keywords: agency, human-centeredness, educational innovations, philosophy of education, psycho-peda- gogy of agency


The article substantiates the philosophical foundations for the development and implementation of peda- gogical innovations into educational process. In the conditions of the construction of the New Ukrainian school the leading trend is to take into account the agentive essence of man from the point of view of philosophical and ideological vision of the place of personality in the system of social existence, the possibility of the influence on the surrounding world, the ability to self-development. The conceptual understanding of the categories “agent” and “agency” in philosophical scientific thought was recognized as important one for the creation of an adequate methodological substantiation of innovations in education, in which the leading recognition of the agentive views of students and teachers was recognized as a modern challenge. Significant research interest has been shown not only in the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the introduction of educational changes, but also in the philosophical background, which is a sign of constructive progress in implementing the strategy of development of modern education. Particularly relevant is the emphasis on worldview changes in understanding the goals and objectives of the school, the influence of the philosophical understanding of personality and knowledge on the educational theory, pedagogical content of knowledge. The ontological, epistemological and phenomenological dimensions of human-centeredness as the basis of the humanization of the modern educational environment have been analyzed. The connection of educational changes with the implementation of the idea of personal agency has been determined. The emphasis is placed on the significance of the interpre- tation of philosophical and educational context in the agent-oriented pedagogical technology, the main thesis of which are recognized as a special educational subject for students. The introduction of “Psycho-pedagogy of Agency” as a new direction of pedagogical knowledge to educational and professional training programs of future teachers, improvement of professional qualification of pedagogues-practitioners has been proposed. It is proved that the philosophical and educational mode of the idea of agency provides a methodological basis for the modernization of the educational process and is a productive element of creating purposeful educational system capable to actualize the cognitive and personal resources of the agents of pedagogical cooperation.


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