• S.I. Bilozerska
  • S.O. Mashchak
Keywords: self-concept, self-determination, psychological well-being, hardiness, self-organization activities, teacher


The article is analyzed a Self-concept as a collection of beliefs about oneself. It is used a set of methods to determine the level of psychological well-being, features of self-determination, hardiness and self-organization activities. It is revealed that teachers with high levels of psychological well-being have higher level of self-determination and autonomy, as its component, compared to teachers with low levels of psychological well-being. It is investigated the link between psychological well-being and personal hardiness. It is revealed that the self-determination of the person to a certain extent linked with the peculiarities of self-organizing activity of teachers. Professional pedagogical activity of teacher is called to provide the decision of tasks of studies, education and development of pupil’s .The professional activity of teacher belongs to the type “manman” and envisages the difficult co-operating with other people (by students, parents, pedagogical collective, own family). Exactly, healthy professional a Self-concept gives an opportunity to the teacher to realize re- quirements and specific of pedagogical activity and also assists effective self-regulation, self-development and self-realization in a pedagogical profession. A teacher with positive a Self-concep reposes in itself, content with the profession, him pedagogical activity effective, he wants self-realization, and in pedagogical activity the absent phenomenon of the “professional burning” down. The Self-concep of teacher has direct connec- tion from a Self-concep of pupil’s: if a Self-concept of the teacher is positive, then the pupil’s in a benevolent school atmosphere can mutually development and self-development.


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