• T.V. Kyrychenko
Keywords: personality, social situation of development, self-affirmation, recognition, self-awareness, adolescence


For the empirical study of the peculiarities of self-affirmation of adolescents, the “Method of motivational induction” by J. Neutten in modification was used by N. Tolstykh. In a psychological study, 116 respondents – pupils of adolescent age (12-15 years) took part. It is revealed that self-affirmation of the growing personality is primarily connected with the sphere of communication with peers (23.8% of respondents); the second place is the objects of self-affirmation, which are related to education (20,9%); the third place is the category con- cerning the personality of the adolescent himself (19.2%). In this case, objects-goals of moral and psychologi- cal significance, which form the basis of spirituality (equality, honor, dignity, etc.), represented a small amount.
Self-affirmation among adolescents of equal age (peers) is given much easier, but equally important is the desire to achieve recognition among adults. As our research shows, a large part of respondents (84%) has a desire to achieve recognition among adults. It is in collaboration with a senior teenager that he learns a holistic system of moral values and ideals. However, as our research shows, the need for adolescents in the trusted admission of adults is often not satisfying. This circumstance leads to the formation of increased anxiety in adolescents, the development of a sense of self-doubt, which is associated with inadequate and unstable self-esteem. Consequently, the need for adolescents to make adults, especially parents, recognize their equal partners, often turns out to be frustrated.
Thus, the study found that for most teenagers it is important to achieve recognition among others (peers, friends, parents, teachers). It is the recognition that brings teenager self-confidence, allows not to be afraid of failures, troubles, activates the development of self-consciousness. One of the necessary conditions for self-affirmation is to master the ability of adolescents to temporally localize their own goals, desires, to predict their behavior in different categories of future time. A clear idea of their livelihoods will allow teens to master the skills of self-organization, self-control, correlation of objective and subjective time parameters of the goal and means of achieving it.


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