• V.A. Hupalovska
Keywords: love, sexuality, mature responsible love, personality


The mature person can “move” from “selfish” deficiency love based on the need for a partner who satisfies our desires, the desire to avoid loneliness, the fear of loneliness, to the mature, “existential” love, in which the partners experience a sense of closeness, intimacy, assert their individuality, feeling in this part of “We” contribute to self-actualization of each other.
An important aspect of such love is the responsibility that partners feel to each other and manifests itself as an obligation to fulfil their commitment to love one another for a long time. Such a mature, responsible love promotes self-development, self-actualization and self-realization of man.
After conducting an empirical study and studying the results using cluster analysis, comparative analysis of the Student t-criterion and Pearson criteria for correlational analysis, we found that individuals who are prone to responsible love are more emotionally stable, have a higher level of self-control and self-sufficiency, have a greater influence of inhibitory influences (moral, cultural, ethical and others) on their sexual feelings, have a lower level of serenity and dreaminess, are less focused on impersonal sex and x-acterised sexual permissibil- ity lower than those that are less prone to responsible love.
For the general population, expressed sexual permissiveness, high sexual realization, high level of sexual excitability, they are not concerned with the issues of chastity, have a low level of sexual neuroticism and shyness, are poorly focused on physical, impersonal and aggressive sex, do not feel aversive to sex, but show intolerance towards pornographic products.
In people who are more prone to responsible love, there is a direct relationship between the component of love “Responsibility” and the scale of tension, which indicates a significant “cost” of mental resources to ensure the processes of self-control, responsibility, voluntary self-regulation and compliance with moral re- quirements.


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