• S.O. Hanaba
Keywords: dialogue, love, development, person, participation


Man is a social being. Only being in the midst of social life, meeting and communicating with other people, joining the world of their immanent nature, it thus creates and confirms its own essence. Thanks to communication, it "sculpts" itself throughout life, presenting its essence as incomplete perfection. Constantly changing the hypostasis of his image and acquiring new characteristics, discovering new opportunities and landmarks of his own existence, man reveals the complex diversity of his nature. Its true nature is not lost in this process. On the contrary, the process of communication allows it to express and develop its unique identity in relation to the world of another. Communication and interaction with the world of other people allows a person to take place in the fullness of his essence. Actually this circumstance sheds light on the eternal problem: what is man. Accordingly, communication and introduction to the world of the other is an important indicator of the importance of their own self. As part of the dialogue, the spiritual development of the individual is directed towards the search for such a life together with others and for others, which would correspond to human dignity, self-respect and reciprocity, care and tolerance, freedom and justice, etc. The dialogue are constructed not only the realities of the social world, but also the man himself. It not only reveals a person's own experience, his knowledge, his inner nature and potential through the knowledge and understanding of other people's dialogue practices indicate the complexity and multidimensionality of man and his world. They represent education as a process of self-development of the individual and as a worldview in connection with the awareness of the complexity, nonlinearity of the modern world.


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