The article represents theoretical and methodological grounding of economic success of personality and systematization material of central positions of its professional and qualification characteristics. The psychological construct of economic success of personality has been considered in its object-subject nature through the social and economic position features and economic status characteristics of human as a subject of economic activity area. The understanding of economic success of personality has been generalized as external assessment of economic status in activity and communication process characteristics and internal peculiarities of human experience states of satisfaction, confidence, and self-sufficiency. The main characteristics of economic success of personality, the criteria and conditions of its effective realization have been concretized. The main positions of studying the professional success of personality have been determined through the analysis of professional and qualification coordinates of specialist and specifics of its social index of stratification in five professional categories differentiation. It has been noted that economic success of personality as its economic safety feature is the development supporting factor of personality human well-being.
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