• L.Sh. Amraxly
Keywords: adolescent, cognitive activity, perception, memory, attention, thinking, emotion, selfidentification, value, learning


Crisis changes occurring in adolescents are qualitatively different from changes in other age stages of on­togeny. The scope of these changes is broader, the impact of the cognition processes is more profound. Tension created by the teenage crisis occurs not only in the biological system, but also in the cognitive system. These changes affect behavior and attitudes, the emotional sphere, self-conception, and finally, the cognitive activity of adolescents. Precisely that is the result of the fact that in the adolescence the interest in learning activity is declining. The motives of activity are mainly directed at eliminating the tensions created by these changes and self-identification. As a way out from the situation, the article shows the establishing of a harmonic connection between the psyche and the physical body. For the effectiveness of this connection, along with the instinctive reactions that occur in educational activity, first of all, it is necessary to regulate control over the muscles. It is necessary to balance the rhythm of the action of the body, to direct thinking to fruitful results, thus, to provide control over the development of information and to keep the work carried out in this field in the center of atten­tion. All this should be managed by the teenager in a strong-willed way. To achieve real results, the difficulties encountered in the cognitive activity of adolescents should be treated in a comprehensive manner, paying at­tention to the relationship of psychological factors that develop and regulate cognitive activity.


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