• O.G. Malyna
Keywords: stigmatization, auto stigmatization, social stereotypes, fear, categorization, labeling, stereotyping, decline in social status, social distancing, discrimination, future prospect, identity, patients with mental disorders


In this article the analyses of stigmatization of patients with mental disorders is shown as theoretical and practical socio-psychological problem. Social, psychological and clinical consequences of stigmatization and auto stigmatization of mentally ill people are also examined. Stigmatization, as negative biased public reaction to the presence of psychiatric diagnosis, is considered in the context of the analysis of its traumatic impact on all the aspects of patients’ life and on their families. This impact has both external, social and economic public display and internal traumatic factors. That is why special attention is paid to the socio-psychological conditions of stigma’s formation of mentally ill people as the most vulnerable category of society and who are traditionally regarded as handicapped, unpredictable and dangerous. They are the subject of prejudice, alienation, estrangement and, ultimately, public discrimination. The author examined the mech­anisms of self stigmatization as a negative transformation and destruction of the personal identity of mentally ill people in the context of regularity of stigma’s formation as a complex unit in its structure and displays and which is governed by various socio-psychological mechanisms. The scrutiny of such mechanisms will help to determine methodological and practical approaches to the effective and purposeful implementation of destigmatization measures.


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