• N.A. Shtanko
Keywords: leader, training, professional training, managerial influence, management structure


In the article essence and efficiency of the use of active methods of studies are considered as effective facilities of forming of administrative culture of leaders of police. One of such methods of forming of administrative culture of leaders of police there is training, that shows a so bathe dynamic form of studies, during that there is the active mastering of knowledge, abilities and skills, that answers the requirements of modern management.

A concept “training” is analyzed as basis of educational technology, thatassistsintensityofstudiesthere- sultofthatisarrivedatduetoactiveworkofleaders. The basic types of training, and also forms of work, that is used 
during realization of training, are considered: individual work, group and command games, role and business 
plays, group discussions, psychological drama, psychological gymnastics, method to the “aquarium”, method “cerebral assault”, “card assault”, exercises on a feed-back. In theory reasonable practical recommendations are analyzed in relation to forming of professional qualities of leaders of police, inbasisofthatinnovative- pedagogicaltechnologiesarefixedwiththeuseofactivemethodsofstudies. Theoretical and practical approaches of professional studies of leaders of organs of national police are investigational by means of training of development of leader qualities. An author is distinguishing the stages of the professionally-psychological training of development of leader potential: diagnostic, informative, correction and stabilizing.

Realization of training preparation will assist complex psychological preparation, use of psychological leader potential of leader in overcoming of negative displays of administrative influence. The necessity of the use of interactive is argued technician that will assist forming of necessity and abilities of leaders to use gain know ledge in practice with the aim of optimization of professionally-administrative activity.

The system use of training  technologies offers in the process of professionally psychological preparation, in-plant training and retraining of personnel of organs of national police, and also including of training employments to the curricula of preparation of specialists of department educational establishments.


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