• L.O. Shevchenko
  • O.Yu. Shlomin
Keywords: professional self-attitude, personality, police, professional genesis, self-appraisal, professional self-consciousness


There are not many researches of professional self-attitude of personality in psychology. The features of professional self-attitude of preventive units employees of the National Police at different stages of professional genesis are considered in the article. It has been established that the police officers, in general, have a positive attitude towards themselves as a professional, and towards their professional activities, also appreciate it as socially significant.

First-year cadets are prone to idealizing their future professional activities. They experience a state of subjective satisfaction with the learning process, the existing level of professional knowledge, skills, and personality qualities. They are focused on a professional stereotype, distinguish positive and negative qualities. The internal conflict of professional self-attitude is characterizing them.

Graduate cadets are characterized by self-confidence as specialist, positive self-appraisal of possible professional and career growth, which enables effective professionalisation and acts as a personality resource. Their self-relation is generally characterized by a positive emotional and evaluative coloring. They relate to the profession of a policeman as a means of self-realization and a means of self-improvement.

Police officers with work experience adequately evaluate their professional activities, their place in the professional environment. They are characterized by unity of their personality with chosen profession, they are able effectively solve working tasks, it’s a high level of responsibility for their work. The under study persons noted that the work in the police allowed them better understanding their environment – citizens and colleagues, life in general and their place in the world, although the need for emotional contacts slightly decreased.


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