• I.I. Serhiienko
Keywords: loneliness, emotional loneliness, behavioral loneliness, , cognitive loneliness, a resource of solitude


The article presents and analyzes the results of theoretical substantiation and empirical research of the sexual characteristics of the experience of loneliness by divorced persons of the first and second maturity periods. As a result of empirical research, it is shown that divorced women of the first period of maturity experience loneliness more deeply than divorced men; divorced women of the second period of maturity are characterized by high indices of a shallow experience of possible loneliness than divorced men of the same age; divorced women of the first period of maturity have high rates of emotional and cognitive loneliness, unlike divorced men; divorced men of the second period of maturity are more deeply experiencing behavioral loneliness than divorced women of this age; revealed statistically significant differences in the types of loneliness between groups of divorced women and men of the first period of maturity; for divorced men of the second period of maturity is characterized by a state of positive solitude, that is, a resource of solitude, unlike divorced women of this age. The results of the study can be applied in practical activities of employees of social and psychological services in the conduct of psychological counseling, psychological prevention in work with persons of mature age.


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