• N.Ye. Tverdokhliebova
Keywords: motivators, needs, behavior, law enforcement officers, professional training, professional activity


The results of an empirical study of the law enforcement officers’ motivational orientation specifics at different stages of professional training are presented in the article. The motivational component is one of the basic in the 
moral regulation system of professionals’ activity and behavior. Motivation acts as a connecting link between the true goals, ideals, beliefs of the cadet’s personality and actions, decisions that he makes. The motivational  component should include a positive attitude to the chosen type of professional activity, the desire for selfrealization and achievements, moral and professional attitudes and interests for the implementation of effective professional activity.

It was determined that for 1st education course law enforcement officers the main motivators of behavior are: interesting work, clear work structuring and creativity. Law enforcement officers of the 2nd study course are motivated by the desire to perform useful and interesting work, stable relationships with colleagues, and a desire for self-development. Law enforcement officers of the 3rd year study are attracted by public recognition of their own achievements; they strive for autonomy and responsibility and want high salaries.

In the process of studying the motivation of future law enforcement officers, as well as influencing it, you can adjust the actions in the implementation of the individual professional activities. The study of the motivation development characteristics to learn is used to determine the system of factors that determine the behavior of future law enforcement officers. Received data should be used to develop training programs in the system of psychological support, which will allow to form the motivational sphere of police officers to increase the effectiveness of their professional activities.


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