• O.O. Serhiienko
Keywords: professional identity, professional estrangement, professional activity, employee of the SES


The problem of professional destruction of representatives of risky occupations is not the first year and, unfortunately, not only does not disappear, but on the contrary becomes of a mass character. Studies in the writings of modern domestic psychologists-scientists point out that professional destructions and deformations are more developed precisely at the representatives of professions whose activities take place in special conditions. In general, the professional destruction of the employees of the SES is a holistic system of interconnected elements such as personality, activity, profession and social environment, which is formed in the process of activity in special conditions, changes the profile of the individual’s personality and leads to the disintegration of his personal and professional development, which reduces the efficiency and reliability of activities.

One of the few studied destructions of the professional orientation of the individual is the professional estrangement, which manifests itself in the loss of the subject of the work of professional identity, a manifestation of indifference to professional duties and norms, the rejection of responsibility for finding the meaning of professional activity, the replacement of professional values and morals, values and goals of nonprofessional environment.

The paper highlights the theoretical significance of professional estrangement and conducts psychodiagnostic research of the employees of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (hereinafter – SES). As you know, psychological tension is intensifying; psychological problems are exacerbated in an extreme situation at the elimination of fires and other rescue operations. Therefore, it was advisable to conduct an empirical study, which allows us to distinguish between 3 clusters of workers with different statuses of professional identity: SES employees who identify themselves with the profession; SES workers with signs of professional alienation (do not identify themselves with the profession) and SES staff who are not identified with professional identity.


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