• O.V. Mitroshkina
Keywords: employees of the Criminal-Executive Service, personality, psychological readiness, psychological readiness for change, psychological resourcefulness


The article presents the results of a study of the specifics of psychological readiness to change and psychological resourcefulness, as well as the relationships between them among employees of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine. The relevance of studying this phenomenon in the context of professional activities of employees of the penitentiary service in the context of its reform is substantiated. The content of the concepts of “psychological readiness” and “psychological readiness for change” is disclosed, the significance of psychological readiness for changes as a resource of the personality is indicated. The PCRS (Change Personal Readiness Survey) method created by A. Rolnic, S. Heather, M. Gold, C. Hull (translation and adaptation by N.A. Bazhanova and G.L. Bardier) and the psychological resourcefulness (O.S. Shtepa) were applied to solve empirical problems. The subjects were employees of the State Criminal-Executive Service of Ukraine, who were divided into groups according to the level of psychological readiness for change. The first group consisted of subjects with a high level of readiness for change, the second – with a low level. Based on a cor-relation analysis, it is proved that groups of employees of the Criminal-Executive Service with different levels of psychological readiness for change demonstrate differences in the structure of the relationship between the components of psychological readiness for change and the components of psychological resourcefulness. It is established that the representatives of these groups differ as the content of the revealed significant interconnections, and their modality. In the group of employees of the criminal executive service with a high level of readiness for change in general, the strengthening of psychological resource is accompanied by a facilitation of psychological readiness for change. In the group of employees of the criminal executive service with a low level of readiness for change, significant interconnections between psychological readiness for change and 
psychological resource are found to be both positive and negative, which reflects the contradictory nature of the interaction of these psychological phenomena that can lead to destruction in their functioning.


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