• K.I. Maravska
Keywords: representation, conflict, profession, cadet, higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


The subject of this researching is the study of the peculiarities of cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine about the typical behavior of police in conflict situations. 

The article provides a description and results of an empirical study of the ideas of cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the peculiarities of the behavior of police in conflict situations. The scope of the police in general covers human relations, which are regulated by law. Regulatory authority should cover the whole variety of official situations in which employees fall. Through significant gaps in the legal framework for the activities of the Ukrainian police, conditions are created for the phenomenon of discretion – the decision of a police officer to exercise authority at his own discretion.

The phenomenon of discretion is a specific feature of policing. It is associated with the type of values,  which differ in a clearly defined character, indicates and determines their belonging to a certain sphere.

Another specific feature of the professional activities of the police is the presence of a variety of temptations that create the conditions for a permanent choice between personal interests and the requirements of the law.

The purpose of the study was to study the ideas of future police officers about the characteristics of typical and real behavior of police officers in conflict situations (external and internal) and the basis for choosing a strategy of behavior in conflict (law, generally accepted standards of behavior or personal interests).

The technique used in the article by T.M. Malkova aims to study the ideas of cadets of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine about the real behavior of police officers in the process of professional activity.

The technique consists of 60 descriptions of conflict situations; however, the author has tested 20 situations, which, by the nature of the conflict, are conventionally divided into 6 types. Each situation has 5 answer choices.

The basis of this methodology is the principle of verbal modeling, according to which the cadets were provided with descriptions of conflict situations that occur in the professional activities of the police, and possible behaviors.

The results obtained allowed to evaluate the cadets’ views on the typical behavior of police officers in the process of their professional activities. We made conclusions about the impact of the views of students of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the behavior of future police officers.


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