• A.V. Kichuk
Keywords: psychological health, valuable attitude to one’s psychological health, activity of the subject, personal understanding, self-realization


The objective of this article is the analysis of the psychological research devoted to the complex study of the personality, where the psychological health is treated as one of his/her peculiarities. To achieve this aim analytical work has been done to single out some constructive approaches to define the component and structure essence of the notion “the psychological health of the personality” and to specify its scientific status. To solve the outlined research tasks there has been used a complex of theoretical methods of cognition of psychological phenomena (analysis, synthesis and generalization), the self-reflexion of practical psychology experience, the method of introspection. To specify the scientific notion of the construct “the psychological health”, there has been used the method of systematizing the resources which have been introduced in the scientific literature. As a result of the analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches it has been proved that an important aspect of psychical health of the personality is his/her health in the psychological sphere.

It has been defined that it is advisable to consider constructive the scientic discussion regarding the phenomenology of the psychological health if it concerns the psychological phenomenon which gives the integral characteristics of the personality.

There have been established the approaches to rightful consideration of the psychological health of the personality in the context of psychological understanding of the concept of “sustainability”. Well-grounded is the research position, which works out in detail the manifestations of psychological health (in particular, the ability to make decisions and act, relying on one’s own potential).

On the basis of the comparative analysis of the empirical resources of some European researchers, the importance of the axiological component of the psychological health, the health of modern students in particular, has been outlined.

The article proves that it is rightful to consider the psychological health not only as a state, but also as a process which is aimed at the support and development of the personality’s subjectness. In addition, the article tackles upon the complex multifunctional and dynamic formation that correlates with the features common to all mankind, important to the society and the personality. Modern scientists refer the psychological health to “the highest phenomenological levels of the human existence”.

According to the obtained results of the logical and systemic analysis of the concerned psychological problem, the development of the theory of the personality’s psychological health, generally accepted by the scientists, is considered to be relevant.


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