• Andrii Mykolaiovych Korets
Keywords: person-oriented program, art therapy, alcohol dependence, “step model”, rehabilitation


Purpose. The purpose of this article is the justification for individual approach to the psycho-correction of mental deficiency juvenile addictive behavior on the example of alcoholic dependence.

Methods. For psycho-correction, the so-called “step-by-step model” is used, as well as clinical diagnostics, on the basis of which a toolkit for patient direct influence is developed. Quite effective for psycho-correction of such persons is the method of art therapy, game therapy, when stimulation of the individual creative potential activates his/her protective and adaptive mechanisms.

Results. A personalized psycho-correction program at the medical instrument diagnostic level, the expected result and content of the program of psycho-correction are being planned. This is followed by a diagnosis to identify some mental defects, which seeks to study the structure of the defect, the mechanisms of its formation, as well as to identify the preserved functions of the psyche, which can be the basis of correction. Simultaneously, the diagnosis of alcohol dependence level and duration is held. The next step is an integrated correctional work, its organization and activation of forums for cooperation with the doctor. At the same time, a scheme of joint actions of the system of psycho-correction at the family level, psychologist, doctor and social environment is proposed, the algorithm of which is reflected in the developed program. The treatment of dependent behavior should be pursued in two directions: corrective and compensatory, the first of which is the interaction of direct actions on the individuals additive behavior, and the second – manifests itself in the formation of the youth moral qualities that prevent social deviations in their consciousness, activities and behavior.

Conclusions. It is demonstrated how, on the basis of diagnostics, the content of psycho-correction individual program is formed. The integrated psycho-correction system with the participation of a family, a psychologist and a social environment in a step-by-step model is justified. As the priority direction, the psycho-correction program, that influences the emotional, sensory sphere, namely the method of art therapy, is distinguished.


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