• S.M. Cholii
Keywords: organizational loyalty (commitment), professional loyalty, loyalty to work, achievement motivation, individual style of pedagogic activity


An article is devoted to the problem of forming employee’s organizational commitment in state educational organizations with limited possibilities of material remuneration of labor. The increase of organizational loyalty of employees is accompanied by a reduction of negative aspects of organizational behavior, such as turnover of staff, absenteeism, wasting of time, delay in work, etc. A loyal worker accepts the entire organization for his own, agrees with its values and principles of work, and therefore works more faithfully, makes more efforts, is worried about the success of the organization and does not plan to change the place of work. That’s why, understanding the psychological factors of organizational loyalty formation is extremely important. Achievement motivation is one of the determinative factors of work productivity, job satisfaction and personal effectiveness. Therefore, the peculiarities of the relationship between the achievement motivation and the organizational loyalty of secondary school teachers are investigated in an empirical research.

It was revealed that the higher level of motivation to achieve success the teacher possesses, the higher is the level of his/her organizational and professional loyalty, as well as loyalty to work. The orientation of teachers to success is not only a significant component of loyalty to the organization, but also commitment to the profession, the desire to develop and improve in it, and therefore its formation should be an integral part of vocational pedagogical education. Moreover, the higher level of manifestation of the motivation to succeed is inherent in teachers, for whom labor is in itself a value and pleases them, work is not a burden for them, but an opportunity to realize themselves and their abilities. A higher level of motivation for success is also common to those teachers who feel proud of their organization and a higher level of involvement in the organization’s activities. The feeling of being important and viable is an important component of organizational loyalty of teachers. Organizational commitment also increases with age and the length of work of teachers and is the highest in pre-retirement age.

It was found out that the level of organizational loyalty of teachers does not depend on the dominant style of pedagogical activity, only the emotional-methodical style correlates with a higher level of pride for organization.


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