• Hanna Leonidivna Chepurna
  • Maryna Yevheniivna Leshchenko
Keywords: perfectionism, subject-oriented perfectionism, object-oriented perfectionism, socially prescribed perfectionism, student’s youth, comparative analysis


The purpose of the research is to carry out a comparative analysis of the level and structural characteristics of the phenomenon of perfectionism in students samplings of 2010 and 2019 years.

Methods. To determine the level of manifestation and peculiarities of the students’ perfectionism structure, we used the method of “Multi-dimensional scale of perfectionism-2” (MPS-2) by P. Gewitt and G. Flett (adapted by I. Gracheva). The method has three scales: subject-oriented perfectionism, object-oriented perfectionism, socially prescribed perfectionism.

Results. As a result of the comparative analysis it was established that the quantitative indicators of the high level of general perfectionism remain unchanged: every fifth student interviewed in both samplings shows a high level of perfectionism; for a sampling of students in 2019 the average level of perfectionism is much higher than for the sampling of 2010; a statistically significant difference between the average values of the subject-oriented perfectionism of the samplings of 2010 and 2019 was determined. Regarding the samplings of 2019 it must be noted that students are more demanding to themselves than in the 2010 samplings; in the sampling of 2019 average values of total perfectionism are higher than in the sampling of 2010. The profiles (correlation of structural components) of different levels of perfectionism in the samplings of 2010 and 2019 were reviewed; regarding the sampling of 2019 the average level of perfectionism is characterized by the most “adaptive" ratio of structural components, that is, the indicators of subject oriented perfectionism significantly outperform the indicators of interpersonal parameters.

Conclusions. Analysis of the results of the study made it possible to conclude that the average level of perfectionism was transformed into an adaptive style of students life. The research does not exhaust all aspects of the problem, the perspective of further research can be seen in the comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the correlation between perfectionism and the socio-psychological features of an individual.


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