• Olena Vasylivna Kazannikova
Keywords: stereotyping, ethnic stereotypes, attitude, prejudice, autostereotype, heterostereotype


Purpose. The aim of the article consists in illumination of problem of influence of ethnic stereotypes on international perception on the example of students of pedagogical faculty of the Kherson state university.

Methods. For realization of aim the theoretical methods of research were used: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, synthesis, classification, systematization, comparison, prognostication and generalization – for finding out of the state of the investigated problem in a modern theory and practice, clarification of essence of base concepts of research, determination of maintenance of ethnostereotype, diagnostics of place of problem. For empiric research of role of ethnic stereotypes in international perception the next instruments of psychological research were used: projective methodology “Map of the world” and modified variant of scale of social distance, offered Е.Bogardus.

Results. The common concept of stereotype is considered in the article. Essence of stereotyping is exposed as one of effects of interpersonality perception. A ethnic stereotype as emotionally-saturated character of ethnic group and her representatives generalized, is described. Autostereotypes are analysed and hetero stereotype as structural interdependent components of integral formation of personality or group consciousness. The marked presence of the interethnic ranging, cultural hostility, strengthening of negative aspects, is in forming of hetero stereotype. Connection of auto stereotype and hetero stereotype is analysed with prejudice, setting, that contain emotionally-evaluation attitude toward different ethnic groups and characterize the level of readiness to the corresponding behavioral reactions in interethnic perception. Certainly, that on the sphere of interethnic mutual relations in modern Ukraine influences military conflict. Undertaken a study in that participated 52 students of pedagogical faculty of daily and part-time forms of studies showed the presence of ethnic stereotypes in investigated all three groups.

Conclusions. It was educed in the process of research, that a political factor, system of values, way of life, stereotypes of behavior, influence on international perception. The presence of heterostereotype is educed, prejudices and ethnocentrism.


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