• I.I. Sniadanko
  • R.Yu. Kalyn
Keywords: tolerance, tolerance to uncertainty, professional tolerance, banking institution, manager


This article presents the theoretical study results of managerial activities of managers in banking institutions. The analysis of banking institutions’ managerial specifics was conducted. The following notions are explained: tolerance, professional tolerance, tolerance to uncertainty in managerial activity. The research analysis of a role of tolerance to uncertainty in professional activity of banking institution managers was done.

The aim of the article is to study the role of tolerance to uncertainty in managers of banking institutions. Due to the research aim, the following objectives were outlined: to conduct the analysis of the specifics of managerial activity of banking institutions; to conduct a research on professional tolerance to uncertainty notion in managers’  professional activity of banking institutions; validate the role of tolerance to uncertainty in professional activity of managers of banking institutions.

The conclusions were drawn that the manager’s tolerance is characterized by the following qualities: ability to use power in an appropriate and legal way; do not strive to use oneself as a model to judge the behavior of other people; absence of the desire to change or reeducate people and many more. The notion “professional tolerance” means a complex of professionally important qualities in personality that ensures the efficiency in professional activity, proactive and tolerant attitude in the organizational environment and towards people.

Professional tolerance includes managerial tolerance that consists of the following managerial aspects: tolerance to uncertainty, tolerance to professional stresses, and tolerance to changes. 

Tolerance to uncertainty is one of the important requirements for managerial activity in managers of banking institutions. The banking manager’s activity is constantly linked to the conditions of uncertainty, since manager has to predict the possible scenario of course of events. Uncertainty is present in every element of psychological system of managerial activity of banking manager.

The source of the uncertainty can be environmental conditions, organization itself, economy, current scientific and technical advancements, social cultural and political factors, international events etc. That’s why managers of banking institutions shell to have a high level of tolerance to uncertainty to be able to make deci- sions in constantly changing working conditions.


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