• Olena Viacheslavivna Voloshok
Keywords: interpersonal communication in marriage, gender role, role structure of the family, experience of marital life, stability of marriage


The purpose of the paper is theoretical analysis and empirical disclosure of socio-psychological factors of marital satisfaction. Satisfaction in marriage directly affects the stability of the marital union – low satisfaction in marriage with the inadvertent influence of other significant factors leads to the expansion of the family. The methods used in the study are a test of identifying the features of interpersonal communication in the marriage of Yu. Aleshina, L. Gozman, E. Dubovska, a test for identifying the gender role of personality Sandri Bem, a test of satisfaction in marriage G. Butenko, T. Romanov, V. Stolin, a method for identifying the spouses’ representation of the role structure of their family Y. Aleshina, L. Gozman, E. Dubovskaya and a questionnaire for identifying age, sex, marital status, availability and number of children, type of marriage. The study group consisted of 50 early-adulthood married couples, of which 42 women and 8 men. The results of the study showed that there is a relationship between the characteristics of couples and their satisfaction with marriage. These features of communication include: community in sight, ease of communication, trust, psychotherapy, understanding and the presence of common symbols. However, the gender role is not related to satisfaction relationships. An inverse relationship was found between marriage satisfaction and the presence of children. That is, with the advent of children there are difficulties that can reduce the subjective satisfaction of marital relationships. In addition, there is an inverse relationship between marriage experience and communication trust. That is, with the increase in the number of co-lived years, the level of trust in the partner in communication decreases. The differences between persons with different types of gender roles on the properties of marital communication, such as: trust and psychotherapy, were also disclosed. The conclusions of this article can be considered that the main factors of marital satisfaction are the peculiarities of interpersonal communication and the presence of children in marriage. The impact of family life experience on the trust in marital communication is indirectly identified.


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