• Robert Anatolevich Panin
Keywords: age, life mental regulation, mental development, youth, heyday, maturity proper


Purpose. The article contains the results of theoretical and empirical work, the purpose of which was to identify the basic tendencies (vectors) of a development of personal life goals system on stage of adulthood.

Methods. The group of evaluation of personal strivings by R. Emmons formed the basis of psychodiagnostic toolkit. A univariate analysis of variance was used as a basic mathematical statistical procedure.

Results. The article theoretically substantiates the special significance of the life goals as one of the systemforming elements of life mental regulation. The necessity for identification of mechanisms, patterns and basic tendencies (vectors) of the development which lie in the heart of successful interaction of a person with social environment from the moment of becoming a subject of life activity is indicated. The set of basic content and formal differential properties of personal life goals is exemplified. The results of an empirical study aimed at determining the basic tendencies (vectors) of a development of personal life goals system on stage of adulthood are described. Material orientation of goals is groan in individual system of the life goals throughout adulthood was found. The value of life goals of maintenance, health, material well-being, household purposes increases and value of goals of gains, personal growth and educational purposes goes down. Transformation of life goals countent system is materialized from ego orientated to self-transcendentedcotant was found. It manifests in a growth of specific gravity of social life goals and decline of individual goals, goals of gains and personal growth. The leading position shifts from inside to outside reasons of life goals setting during adulthood was defined. The increasing role of introection as a reason of life goals setting and growth of them age relevance as well are manifested. It was discovered that incoherence (diffusen) of individual life goals system was gone up during adulthood. It manifests itself in amplification of differentiation of system in putting mutually neutral life goals and wearening of is instrumentality.

Conclusions. In this way the research determines the specifics of the development of persons life goals system during adulthood.


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