• Kateryna Robertivna Mannapova
Keywords: engagement, control, risk taking, viability, stress management, role repertoire, socio-psychological adaptation


Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to describe the program of development and the formation of components of students’ viability through the method of psychodrama and the results of its verification. The program is aimed at developing the social-role potential and expanding the repertoire of the student’s roles in order to increase the level of viability.

Methods. Psychodrama through the elements of dramatic improvisation expands the role repertoire of a person, therefore, a method was used that in a relatively short period of time allows repeatedly to lose, rehearse, bring to the automation a number of everyday roles that cause difficulties in real life, where there is no place for “painless rehearsals”. The development program consists of 8 classes, each of which has its purpose.

Results. The forming experiment consisted of the following stages: diagnostic examination of the investigated control and experimental groups in order to determine their actual level of development of structural components of viability; realization of the development program aimed at students for the formation of components of viability using the method of psychodrama; repeated diagnostic examination of both groups studied in order to study the dynamics of development of viability after the implementation of the development program; comparison of data on the dynamics of development of viability.

Conclusions. As a result of the development of the program there have been changes in the viability and components of viability. The indicators of vitality have increased. In the field of communicative skills there have been changes in the leading type of behavior: the indicators of a competent type of behavior have increased. Comparing socio-psychological adaptation was found to increase the indicators in self-perception, acceptance of others, emotional comfort and escapism. In the motivation al sphere, there has been a change in the need for success, instrumental activity aimed at success, the desire for praise and a positive emotional state. The indicators of volitional self-control – the general index and perseverance – have been increased, available conscious mobilization of the energy potential to complete the action.


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