The article is devoted to the study of the development of arbitrariness in children of junior school age, as the formation of successful activities and regulatory forms of behavior.
The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation and empirical study of the development of levels of arbitrariness of junior pupils in the work of the socio-psychological service of educational institutions.
Methods of research are theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization of scientific literature); empirical (statement and forming experiment, method of mathematical processing).
The empirical study, which describes levels of the development of arbitrariness in children of elementary school age: high, medium, low, is presented. It is proved that the high level of arbitrariness manifests itself in the ability to independently master the material, control their misconduct and behavior, find ways to solve difficult tasks and situations, and succeed in social adaptation. The low level of arbitrariness in primary school children is characterized, which is characterized by negative attitude to difficulties, low academic achievement, frequent violation of rules of conduct, disorganization, social maladaptation in society.
Describes a program for the development of the arbitrariness of junior pupils, which included training with students, lectures, training seminars and recommendations for parents, teachers and psychologists, social workers. A correction-development program is presented, which aims at the development of arbitrariness and social adaptation in early school-age children. This program is divided into three blocks: “Development of arbitrariness and emotional regulation of junior pupils”; “Development of positive relationships of junior schoolchildren with parents and teachers”; “Development of positive relationships between junior pupils and peers”. The general level of arbitrariness of junior pupils during the formative experiment has improved, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed training program for both children and social and psychological and pedagogical workers.
The development of arbitrariness at the junior school age is important in the further formation of the child’s personality, his ability to self-organize, to regulate conflict situations, to positive communication with others, so this tumor formation should be taken into account by teachers, psychologists, and social workers in working with elementary school students.
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