• Lуudmyla Mykolaivna Lysenko
Keywords: aggression, adaptation, teenage, sense of adulthood, self-assertion


The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of the results of the study of the correlation of aggressiveness and social-psychological adaptation in teenagers.

The research methods for studying this problem were selected by the questionnaire A. Bass and A. Darks, designed to diagnose aggressive and hostile reactions. Diagnostics socio-psychological adaptation, carried out the method of A.V. Furman, which seeks to study the peculiarities of adaptation in such spheres of life as school, family, street and determines the attitude towards the surrounding world, people around them and themselves. The results of the research on designed to diagnose aggressive indicate that most participants in the study have a moderate level of aggressiveness, in girls the rates are lower than in the boys, that is, the tendency to manifestation of aggression is moderate in nature and conditional. The level of hostility within the norm, adolescents tend to exhibit negative emotions and criticality in social contacts. Results of the analysis on the method of socio-psychological adaptation testify to the average and low degree of adaptability of adolescents, which increases the risk of maladaptation and psychological problems complicate the process of socialization. In the course of an experimental study, it was found that the higher the level of aggressiveness, the lower the level of socio-psychological adaptation and vice versa, which is confirmed by the results of correlation analysis.

Conclusions on the results of the study: the problem of manifestations of aggressive forms behavior and adaptation in adolescents has a special relevance in social and age aspects; the obtained indicators testifying to the average level of manifestation of aggression and adaptability are a necessity for carrying out corrective and development work. Prospects for further work we see in the study of the interconnection of various structural components of the individual with the success of social adaptation and the search for methods that promote development of adaptation mechanisms.


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