The article describes the preconditions of the appearance and formation of psychoanalytic theory, defines the stages of its development and the influence of European modern times philosophy on it.
The correlation problem of mind and passion has constantly emerged in the philosophy history. Thereupon it grad- ually moved into the area of exploring the relationship between consciousness and the unconsciousness. Investigations of the unconsciousness are present in the works of the New Time philosophy representatives (G.V. Leibniz, B. Spinoza). After, they were reflected in the classical German philosophy (I. Kant, J.G. Fichte, F. Schelling, G. Hegel), and later they were developed in the works of representatives of irrationalism (F. Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer, E. von Hartmann).
In the psychoanalysis, the psyche of man is constantly re-opened: it is not given once and forever, but it acquires a new form due to the psychoanalyst’s interpretation of the conscious meaning of the unconsciousness. Psychoanalysis is philosophical doctrine, scientific theory, technology of treatment. Subject of psychoanalysis is not the completed knowledge, but is an open dynamical system that is self-evolving. In addition, it is a human-dimensional system. Since the object of psychoanalysis is the meanings of the unconsciousness, which must be acknowledged, then the ideal of value-neutral study is being transformed here. Obviously, S. Freud is one of the first at the XIX–XX centuries, who brought one of the samples of post-classical rationality to the science of our time.
The psychoanalysis of S. Freud was evolved from the elementary psychotherapeutic reception to the general philosophical and sociological doctrine. There are three main stages in the development of classical psychoanalysis: 1) clinical; 2) psychological; 3) metaphysical. According to S. Freud, every person seeks to satisfy his instincts and appetites, and society suppresses this orientation, which causes a hostile attitude of man to culture. S. Freud also used principles and methods of psychoanalysis to analyze the religion.
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