• Vitaly Alexandrovich Klak
Keywords: thinking development, information and communication technologies, computer technologies, multifunctional structure, and development program


In the article a theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem of using computer technology in the development of preschool children thinking is given, an analysis of the latest domestic and foreign scientific sources of thinking in preschoolers, have further developed the definition of “information and communication technologies”, “computer technology” and their variants of existence is presented. The computer as a powerful technical means of training, as an “intellectual tool” in the development of visual-figurative, logical thinking, which gives child the opportunity to reach a new information level is revealed.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of information and communication technologies in the development of preschool children thinking, to present a program of teaching preschoolers the basics of computer literacy for the development of their thinking.

Research methods – theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources, which allowed to identify, summarize and organize the materials on the research problem.

The results of the theoretical analysis of the stated problem showed the lack of development of the computer technology using in the development of preschool children logical thinking. The essence of information and communication and computer technologies is revealed. A multifunctional structure of the components of the importance of the use of preschool children of computer technology, which includes: the development of volitional qualities, formation of motivation, activity, individual approach, variability of educational material, didactic opportunities, development of interests, development of motor skills, development of intelligence, development of logical thinking, age characteristics is developed and characterized. The program of teaching preschool children the basics of computer literacy and the development of logical thinking, which includes 25 classes, each of which consists of three parts: preparatory, basic and final is suggested. The essence of each part is characterized; the basic forms of work are specified. The preparatory part of the work plan of teaching computer literacy to senior preschool children is presented.


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