The process of socialization covers the adaptation and internalization stages in the process of any individual mobility. Children have much more intense mobility then adults. The human body reacts to these processes of adaptation in the form of physiological and psychological reactions and manifests itself in the behavior of primary students. At the age of six, in addition to social changes (the beginning of schooling leads to a new social environment with its own rules), there are also significant changes in the central nervous system, the mass of the brain is increasing, which prompts the intensity of force and the growth of inhibitory processes and also analytical and synthetic activity becomes more complicated. Therefore, adaptation of the child to the school environment and the initiation of long-term educational activities should be under the adults influence, taking into account the vulnerability of the nervous system at this age.
The purpose of the article is to identify the psychosomatic aspects in the socialization process of primary school students.
The methodology is based on the empirical methods of cognition developed by the branches of humanitarian knowledge, using a functional approach that reveals the active role of adults (teachers, parents) in the process of child adaptation to school. Also analytic approach allows seeing the adaptation process in the complex of social, physiological, psychological and synthesis – finding effective communication techniques for a successful primary student’s adaptation in an educational environment.
Results and conclusions. Psychosomatic manifestations of the child’s body are normal reaction to new social conditions as the requirements of the new social environment and the requirements for satisfying their own needs seek for the common points of contact. As a result of reflection and self-reflection, the psyche and the body try to show that the human body is not comfortable in the form of external manifestations. Teachers and parents, as agents of primary socialization, should apply such communication techniques that would allow a rapid adaptation child to school. In particular, it is important to understand the difference of each personality and the integrity of human existence – “I and you – we” and “Compliment”.
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