• Olexiy Volodimirovich Sheviakov
  • Valery Anatolievna Slavskaya
Keywords: aesthetic education, musical culture, factors of social influence, spirituality, baroque music


The purpose of the article is to elucidate the peculiarities of the socio-psychological influence of Baroque music. Using the method of content analysis revealed conditions that triggered the emergence and development of socio-psychological effects of Baroque music. With the help of psychodiagnostic techniques, features of the socio-psychological influence of violin sonatas are determined.

Results. Baroque is described in terms of concepts and style of the era, its musical culture, socio-psychological features of the formation of music. A socio-psychological analysis of the trends in the development of violin music was performed, its main characteristics were determined. Scientific and theoretical substantiation of the formation of the genre of violin sonatas of the Baroque era was made. On the basis of system analysis, the genesis of the genre of violin sonatas was discovered. In the empirical research the genre features and features of psychological influence of violin sonatas of I.S. Bach and G.F. Handel.

Conclusions. Music, as well as other types of art, actively developed during the Baroque era. At that time there was a significant breakthrough in musical thinking – polyphonic polyphony changed by a homophonic-harmonic system, which led to the flowering of the culture of improvisation. Its peaks are usually considered by the creative geniuses of musical art of I.S. Bach and G.F. Handel. The art of music develops and transforms in an inextricable connection with historical events, reflects their response to the social cataclysms that occur in the life of society. In the aesthetics of baroque music was determined through precise science in order to serve God (cantatas of the Bach) and ornaments of human life (sonatas G.F. Handel). Baroque style is distinguished by the free search for artistic forms, decorative, inclination to external effects and interaction of various arts. The revealed laws of the influence of Baroque music, on the psychophysiological state of the listeners, can be used to reduce fatigue, increase work capacity, improve the state of health, reduce internal stress, to get a good rest in a short time, etc.


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