Purpose. The purpose of this scientific article is provides the results of empirical study of the readiness of the correctional teacher to professional development.
Methods. As a method of studying the readiness of the correctional teacher to professional development, the analysis of scientific literature and experiment was applied (questionnaires “I-real and I-ideal”, a questionnaire “Study of the readiness of the correctional teacher to professional development and self-development”), which was attended among young professionals with experience up to five years.
Results. As a result of the experimental work, it was found that the majority of correctional educators have almost equally a normal or indifferent position of professional development. This means that some of the subjects (42.46%) showed indifference to professional growth, fear and inability to overcome professional difficulties, had an idea of professional perspectives based on the desire to overcome existing household problems (an indifferent position). Experienced with a standard position, which proved to be 46.58%, could determine the real prospects of their professional activities, which were based on the development of skills, interest in the development of scientific and methodological literature, expansion of professional worldview and the like. In the minority there were correctional educators with an active position of readiness for professional development (10.96%).
Conclusions. Stress, emotional overload, confusion, lack of adaptation to the conditions of professional activity leads to the fact that young specialists (88.24% of the subjects) do not have a proper focus on professional development and improving the quality of pedagogical work. All this testifies to the acute need for the development and active introduction of special programs for professional training and advanced training courses that aimed to formulate readiness for professional development from correctional educators.
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