• S.O. Podofiei
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional competence, personal and social competence


The article reveals the essence of emotional intelligence, its structural components, and the peculiarities of its formation. Generalized theoretical approaches to the research of emotional intelligence. Determined as such a theoretical fact from the 90 years of the last century, received a scientific confirmation in the implementation of the program “social and emotional learning” in educational institutions abroad and Ukraine.

The essence of emotional intelligence is revealed in the ability of the individual to understand their own attitudes, represented in emotions, and to manage the emotional sphere on the basis of intellectual analysis and synthesis. 

The following foundations of intelligence were established: self-awareness, self-control, social consciousness, and ability to build relationships. They help to succeed in learning and at work.

It is determined that the peculiarities of the process of recognition of emotions of the person correlate with the situation of real communication. During communication, a person reacts emotions depending on their own experience of life experience, the system of values. They form the peculiarities of a person’s attitude to a given situation or event. Therefore, psychological and pedagogical work in educational institutions is necessary for the social adaptation of children and for their personal and interpersonal development and further development of emotional intelligence.

Such work requires the development of programs for the development of emotional intelligence of the individual in a school setting. The concept of emotional intelligence is important in human life. Especially in the life of such a person who is in the stage of active age development and social adaptation. The personal function is defined in aspects of the general attitude of the person to himself, to others, to his own life. It is important to enrich the experience of self-control and self-regulation and the means of updating mental resources. We consider it important to find the optimal conditions for the development of emotional intelligence.

Further in-depth study of such a phenomenon, the definition of its components and the peculiarities of their  formation at different stages of personality development is effective and promising. From the above, one can  determine the need for the direction of our research to determine the factors of formation of emotional intelligence of the individual in the educational and social activities and professional self-realization of students. It is important in the conditions of studying at a higher educational institution to conduct a diagnosis of emotional intelligence for groups of students of different courses. In accordance with the results of the diagnosis, develop a program of emotional and social adaptation of students to new learning and living conditions.


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