• Sandra Velasques-Montiel
Keywords: gender identity, masculinity, sexual role, psychological well-being, autonomy, positive relationship with others, management of the social environment, personal growth, self-perception, goals in life


The purpose of this article is to analyze the connection and the influence of masculinity on the psychological well-being of the personality in different ethnic composition of the samples.

Methods. To achieve the purpose, the features of masculinity and psychological well-being in the three groups of subjects – Ukrainians, Germans and Spaniards – empirical study was conducted. To determine the severity of masculinity in the Ukrainian sample, the FPI questionnaire (J. Farenberg, H. Zelg, R. Gampel, the “masculinity / femininity” scale) was used, the factor “masculinity–femininity” in the studied Spanish and German samples was diagnosed with the help of the questionnaire MMPI-2 (J. Graham, A. Telligen, J. Bucher, V. Dalstrom, B. Kemmer, scale 5 “masculinity / femininity” was used). The specificity of psychological well-being of all groups was investigated using the questionnaire “Scale of psychological well-being” (K.D. Riff, adaptation of T.Shevelenkova and P. Fesenko). Further empirical data quantitative analysis provided for the application of the Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman rank correlation coefficient, regression analysis.

Results. Clear correlations of masculine gender identity with such parameters of psychological well-being as the ability to autonomy, management of social environment and personal growth are revealed. Differences in this correlations, which are various investigated groups, identified by ethnicity, representatives characteristic, was established. Spaniards are distinguished by the fact that their gender role is related to the expression of masculinity, involves the existence of clear living goals, positive perceptions of oneself and the realization of relationships. The Germans who have masculine patterns of behavior also have a positive attitude to themselves, but the realization of their relationships and life goals for them is not determinative of well-being. The masculine behavior of Ukrainian men assumes autonomy in social relations and is not connected with any clear goals of life, with any positive perception of oneself.

Conclusion. According to the empirical research we find out that the acquisition of a clearly defined masculine gender identity is a significant factor in achieving psychological well-being. A clear definition of the prevailing gender pattern of behavior gives individuals the opportunity to more successfully implement themselves in the system of relationships with others and be realized in life.


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