• Nigar Ruslan Nasirova Бакинский государственный университет (Баку, Азербайджан)
Keywords: psychological research, critical thinking, education and upbringing, cognitive activity, cognition and creativity, character and temperamen


The article reviews the main directions of research of critical thinking issues in psychological literature. In particular, it acknowledges the researchers’ opinion that the problematic of research begin with an analysis of general issues of thought, conducted by philosophers, teachers, psychologists. The analysis of critical thinking in the framework of school education is also considered in sufficient details. There is a number of works on specific areas of the formation of critical thinking, in particular, the relationship between the process of formation of intellectual skills and critical thinking, critical thinking and tolerance, etc. An important place in research is occupied by the issues of reflection and creativity within the framework of critical thinking, as well as the activation of the cognitive process as a whole.


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