• O.V. Zozulia НУО «People in need» (м. Слов’янськ)
Keywords: counteraction to violence, psychological readiness for activity, psychological readiness for counteraction to violence


The article considers the possibilities of psychology in solving the problem of developing the psychological readiness of employees of general secondary education institutions to counteract the violence that arises and spreads among students in the context of armed conflict. The purpose of this article was to present the results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of the psychological readiness of an individual to an activity, the definition of counteraction to violence as a component of psychological activity and the identification of the specifics of the work of a psychologist with students in an armed conflict on the basis of a personal and profesiological approach. Accordingly, it is justified that coun-teraction to violence is psychological help to victims of violence in restoring their subjectivity by overcoming destructive emotional states and destructive forms of behavior, including the development and development of psychopreventive drugs that prevent the pernicious effects of violence against the individual. It is determined that the basis of psychological readiness to counteract violence is the complex ability of the individual to the professional activity of a psychologist in the conditions of armed conflict. This ability consists of personality-activity (ability to information-prophylactic, diagnostic-prognostic, consultative-training, correctional-rehabilitation activity) and professional-instrumental (intellectual and emotional mechanisms of perception and analysis of complex professional situations and regulation of professional activity) components. It is established that the specificity of the work of a psychologist with students in an armed conflict lies in the orientation toward the effective use of the surviving systems and functions of the pupil's body that perform compensatory correction functions and, at the expense of this, provide an appropriate level of mental and physical health, further development of mental processes, successful assimilation general knowledge, the formation of practical skills, skills that facilitate its adaptation and successful integration in person in society.


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