• G.A. Krupnyk G.A.
Keywords: siblings interaction, family, social and family psychology, child relationships, research directions of the family


The article reviews the state of the problem of sibling interaction in the family system. The scientific works of the leading native and foreign modern researchers are analyzed. The features of the interaction of siblings in the family and the factors that affect it, namely: age difference, birth order, types of childrens’ relationships – competition, adaptation, compromise, ignoring, cooperation.

In the scientific study, we investigated current research of modern scientists a family perspective by authors such as: O. Almazova, I. Diduk, N. Zyryanova, M. Karpa, O. Kozlova, I. Krupnyk, M. Kuzmina, V. Osiodlo, O. Posvistak, M. Rufo, M. Feinberg, T. Hetherington, T. Yablonska.

Famous scientists discuss the optimal age difference between siblings for their most favorable development. For example, M. Kuzmina considers the optimal difference in age of 3–4 years. The child begins to aim new responsibilities and duty in the family. M. Rufo, on the contrary, describes the optimal difference in age is 6–7 years. The child has already created his own, only his own family memories and received positive emotions from the sole attention of parents.

Psychologists have been paying attention to the problems of siblings beginning the XIX century, but there are not find recommendations on how to keep a good relationship between them.

So, it is necessary to consider sibling relations in interaction with other family processes, taking into account the individual characteristics of all members of the family system.

Prospects for further research are seen in a thorough study of the features of interaction between siblings in order to develop recommendations to parents to maintain favorable relationships between them and to develop on this basis psychological support for adolescents in this category.


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