Communicative practices on the Internet environment are considered as methods of goal-oriented actions of the subject, aimed at the exchange of information, the generation of new meanings and the formation of effective models of communicative interaction. Communicative practices in internet environment continue and complement social practices, form new specific forms and ways of interaction between actors. Іnternet practices synchronously construct, organize information and communicative space and unfold in it. Іnternet practices depend on the level of development of information and communication technologies, technical support of the person by means of communication.
Attention is paid to the fact, that the deployment of communicative practices of a new cyber generation is influenced not only by the features of internet communication (virtuality, interactivity, hypertextuality, fragmentation), but also the orientation of the individual, computer and communicative competence, level its of subjectivity. Understanding a person’s own value and the significance of another person contributes to the subject-subjective interaction of internet users. Internet communication is defined as an integrated process of computer-mediated interaction of subjects in the Internet environment, the Internet environment – as a new “hybrid” environment, created through the use of information and communication technologies as a result of the integration of elements of real and virtual life.
One of the techniques of organizing and structuring interactive communication, such as polylogues, is moderation. The article describes the preparatory, technological, analytical-reflexive stages of moderation. Moderation of polylogues in the internet environment contributes to the structuring and constructivism of polylogues, and also launches mechanisms of transformation of communicative internet practices.
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