• L.O. Kotlova
  • I.D. Saukh
Keywords: satisfaction with the marriage, correlation analysis, personality, family, marriage


The article deals with the analysis of the peculiarities of psychological factors of marriage satisfaction. One of the main factors‚ which predetermines the direction of a family development, is marriage satisfaction. Nowadays the problem of building the happy‚ harmonious and effective marriage relationships belongs to the number of crucial scientific problems. The results of empirical research of psychological factors of marriage satisfaction at different stages of a marriage life are presented.

There is a strong inverse interconnection between the marriage satisfaction level and such conflict spheres as “issues‚ connected with children’s upbringing”‚ “the violation of role expectations”‚ “the inconsistency in relation to money” in couples being married from 6 to 15 years. It indicates that if the conflict level of a married couple  concerning children’s upbringing‚ the violation of partners’ role expectations or the distribution of finances is higher‚ the level of marriage satisfaction is lower.

A strong inverse correlation connection between the marriage satisfaction level and an intimate‚ sexual scale of family values is also characteristic of women being married for less than 5 years‚ if the significance of an intimate‚ sexual sphere for women of this period is less‚ their satisfaction level of married life is higher. However, a strong direct connection between marriage satisfaction and an intimate-sexual sphere of family values is peculiar to women being married from 5 to 15 years‚ thus‚ the more significant sphere of intimate relationships is for them‚ the higher level of marriage satisfaction is. A strong direct connection between marriage satisfaction and emotional‚ psychotherapeutic value is peculiar to women of this group‚ so if the emotional support‚ idea of marriage as the source of psychological discharge is more significant‚ the level of marriage satisfaction is higher.


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