It is of particular importance to take into consideration the talent signs and features that characterize them in shaping the talented student identity. So talented pupils are different from other students with their unique qualities. Studying these features helps to identify talents in a timely manner. In addition, it gives a chance to organize their education and training issues effectively. For this purpose, this article analyses the features characterizing talent and gifted students in detail. The article may be useful for educators, psychologists, and parents working with talented pupils in setting up their work principles. The article is dedicated to the study of mechanisms of formation talented pupil’s personality. Firstly the imortant of revealing talents in time is stated in the article. Information related to the analysis of beaters conditioning revealing talents is given, too. With this purpose signs of talent and beaters characterizing talented pupils are explained broadly. Features appearing on separate activity spheres and characterizing a talent are informed about, too.
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