• A.O. Tatianchykov
Keywords: psychological adaptation, primary school, indicators of adaptation, school anxiety, school motivation, socio-psychological adaptation


The article discusses the process of psychological adaptation of adolescents to educational activities in a secondary school. Analyzed theoretical approaches to the problem of school adaptation of adolescents. The analysis of scientific and theoretical concepts and approaches to the study of this problem in domestic and foreign psychology is  presented. Based on the analysis of literary sources, it is noted that adaptation to primary school is seen as an adaptation of students to new learning conditions and a qualitatively new level of communication, the development
of certain stereotypes, which allows them to overcome difficulties and successfully master learning activities.

A set of techniques aimed at diagnosing the level of adolescent adaptation by the following indicators is presented: learning success; level of behavior; school motivation; school anxiety; level of general psychophysiological well-being; socio-psychological adaptation.

A generalization of the results of an empirical study of the dynamics of adaptation indicators of pupils in 6th and 7th grades is presented. It is noted that a significant number of pupils in the sixth and seventh grades showed an insufficient level of performance, a low level of behavior in the classroom and change, an increased or high level of school anxiety. Many adolescents have insufficient school motivation. The school attracts such children with non-educational situations. Due to the low level of adaptation, schoolchildren have a low indica- tor of well-being, activity and mood, which negatively affects their general psycho-emotional state. Many of the studied adolescents have problems in the socio-psychological adaptation in the class team, difficulties in communicating with teachers.

Found a significant reduction in almost all indicators of adaptation in the transition from the sixth to the seventh grade, which indicates the impossibility of the majority of children to quickly and successfully adapt to new conditions and training requirements, increased mental loads.


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