• O.L. Slobodianiuk
Keywords: social intelligence, emotional intelligence, empathy


In the last decade, more and more works devoted to social and emotional intelligence began to appear in popular, and then in psychology. At the same time, many theories considering these concepts interpret them rather widely and use different, and even opposite, grounds in explaining this phenomena.

Emotional intelligence describes as the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. But social intelligence as develops from experience with people and learning from success and failures in social settings.

The concept of emotional intelligence has grown from the concept of social intelligence, which in turn they intersect in part. Common to them is the focus on the social and personal spheres of man. The differences are that social intelligence is connected with the knowledge of social phenomena and is aimed at understanding the behavior of other people, and emotional intelligence – with the processing of information about the emotional sphere and is directed both to the knowledge of the person of other people, and of himself.

The article considers the problem of the relationship of two types of intelligence: social and emotional. Interest in social intelligence is determined by the need of society to reveal the “social capacity” of a person and develop them. Social intelligence is seen as a necessary condition for successful mastering of professional skills and adapt in a professional environment. Development of social intelligence becomes an important part of the educational process. Social intelligence is the object of study of many scientists, but there is no single concept, which explains the nature of social intelligence in the structure of skills, studies vary widely, includ- ing the reason of the use of different measurement methods and theoretical concepts of the authors. The prob- lem of demarcation of social and emotional intelligence is still open and up to date. Social intellect provides the process, character, evaluation and regulation of communication with others, social exchange and orientation of the subject in society, characterized both stereotyped and unique. Emotional intelligence as a component of social intelligence is a combination of emotional and social abilities, such as the ability to understand their own emotions and emotions of other people, to control the emotional sphere and self-motivation.

The concept of “social intelligence”, in our opinion, is wider in its modality and deeper than the concept of “emotional intelligence”.


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