• Yu.Yu. Ilina
  • I.O. Melnyk
Keywords: personality of the serviceman, personal changes, reasons of the personal changes


The article describes personal changes of the servicemen, who took participation in hostilities. We consider the changes that have occurred in the field of the emotional value, the interpersonal relationships, changes that have associated with the self-attitude, the tendency to deviate behavior. The main causes of the personal changes associated with participation in hostilities are analyzed.

Servicemen, who took participation in hostilities, are a group of people with an increased risk of developing psychogenic violations, to characterize their condition, use such features as a military trauma, combat fatigue. Studies conducted in this field show that people who have been in extreme situations have so-called post-trau- matic stress disorders.

A significant number of servicemen who took participation in hostilities complain that they cannot find the understanding in the society, in the family, is experiencing difficulties in communicating in the workplace. After experiencing the events in the war, in some cases, the servicemen have such changes in the psyche that it is sometimes difficult for parents to recognize their children.

The returning of servicemen into the peaceful life after the impact of extreme conditions is accompanied by difficulties in adapting to a peaceful life, in particular, the tension relations them with the society, anxiety, fear, aggression, suspicion.

Participation in hostilities, constant presence in the stressful situations, constant risk and life threatening cause changes in the mental state of servicemen. Even while staying in the antiterrorist zone, an irreversible revaluation of values takes place.

After the end of the period of staying in the combat zone, servicemen return to normal conditions of life and at that moment personal changes begin to manifest.

Soldiers become more asocial, alienated, and suspicious. Their emotional state is the irritated-depressed as a rule. The flashes of argues are replaced by a sense of despair, uselessness and insignificance. Those feelings of a special status that enabled to use of the weapons, to execute of the heroic tasks, to respect and support of the volunteers disappear, and at this case, there are everyday affairs and the attitude of closed people were before.

Misunderstanding, neglect, and distrust lead to uncontrolled outbreaks of aggression. The attitude towards others becomes superficial. There are problems with establishing of the dialogue, maintaining of the relation- ship with closed people. Increasingly, servicemen try to reduce their negative emotions in that ways as smok- ing, alcohol, and sometimes drugs.

Unfortunately, after returning from the combat zone, servicemen cannot get rid of their bad habits, which even- tually lead to the complete destruction of their physical, psychological health and the decline of the moral spirit. 

So, after the returning of servicemen into the peaceful life, it is difficult to adapt to the habitual precondi- tions of life. Therefore, the professional psychologists should help them. The psychologists will involve cor- rectional and restorative work both as companions and members of the servicemen families.


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